Simone photo album

This is a photo of my family. It is taken out behind our house on our skating rink.

Here is yet more family. Actually this is just a small portion. You are fortunate I don't have pictures handy of the whole bunch. Our "Where's Waldo" family picture would probably overload the memory capacity of this computer. Present here are my brother-in-law Chris and my brother Rob who both graduated from college on this day! My mom ("hi, mom") is on the far right and my three nieces are in the front.

Here is my daughter, Erin, doing a little "light" reading. She is only four - who knows what she will read when she is older.

Here is another picture of Erin. This was taken recently and is a personal favorite.

Have you figured it out yet? - this is my number one and only kid!

Guess who? Yes, it is yet another mug shot of me. This was taken with a Quick-Take camera. The resolution is better than the scanned images (even if the subject isn't).

I will quit boring you with my photo album for now!!

Boy you are a real glutton for punishment, aren't you? Well, there are no more!