pointing finger animation

Let us Tessellate!

b y Irene Bautista
& David Crenshaw


Type of Web activity:
Math/Art and using info from the web.

Materials / Software needed:
Web browser access to Claris works or Paint Brush programs

Materials for construction

construction papers (at least 2 different colors)

a large sheet of paper where you will put your final design

scissors, scotch tape, pen, pencils, coloring materials



Grade Level:
5 - 12

Time involved:
1-7 days

Created on:



The Web Science Workshop lessons were created in cooperation with the Exploratorium Teacher Institute .


This site developed and maintained by Deborah Hunt and Eric Muller .

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San Francisco, CA 94123

©2000 The Exploratorium

What is a Tessellation?

The word "tessellate" means to form or arrange small squares in a checkered or mosaic pattern. "Tessellate" is derived from the Ionic version of the Greek word "tesseres," which in English means "four." The first tilings were made from square tiles. For more definitions of tessellations click


Many people have fun and are very creative in doing tessellations. To view them click


How to do Tessellations manually

Start with two pieces of construction paper that are of different colors (your favorite of course!). Using the scissors, start cutting on the right or left top edge , wiggle around as you are going down and exit at the right or left lower edge of the paper depending on what side you started (The type of wiggle or pattern you make when you cut determines the shape of your tessellation piece). Reposition the portion you cut out to the opposite edge of where you started and connect using a piece of tape. Make sure that the two vertical edges align exactly and the top and bottom edges are straight. Repeat the process but this time go from the top to bottom or bottom to top. Remember you are making two tessellation templates of two different colors. Make more tessellation pieces using the templates you just made. You can use same colors or different colors and be creative. Connect them all to form a tessellations. Click here to view the steps .

To view how to make a fish tessellation click

How to do Tessellations using computer programs

The same process described above can be done using tools in your computer. To learn more about using programs to make tessellations click the squares below.

( Paint and Paintbrush program)


( Claris Works program)



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