Resonant Imaging Revealing Bodies
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But an interesting paradox arises from the inherent technology of MRI. Unlike a CT scan, which can be completed in mere minutes, the MRI is a slow process, often lasting up to an hour. To the patient, this can feel like an eternity. There may also be a great deal of anxiety experienced before and during the MRI procedure, as the results will often determine whether or not a life-threatening disease is present.

While MRI images of the body are being generated, the patient is simultaneously embarking on an unintended exercise of witnessing his or her personal identity and acknowledging mental states that may have eluded conscious perception. A multitude of mental states arise and fall away. Hope, grief, sadness, joy, and anger are often experienced. Reflection on early childhood, mid-life decisions, and regrets, as well as visions of growing old and dying, are also common.

In the context of our daily lives, most of us are distracted and quickly engage in various activities whenever these mental states arise. But within the tight, claustrophobic compartment of the MRI, one is force d to observe them. One has the serendipitous opportunity to explore one's true nature. When was the last time that most of us can say we have witnessed our thoughts without the distractions of the outside world for even ten minutes?

--Kenneth Wilkes

You will need the free RealPlayer (7.0 or greater) to view the video "Resonant Imaging"

"Resonant Imaging" video clip is © 2000, by Kenneth Wilkes.

Biographical Statement:

"I was born in Monterey, California, and have lived for extended periods in Japan, Alaska, Louisiana, and California. I have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for the past 20 years."

"After graduating from U.C. Berkeley, I matriculated to the U.C. Berkeley-U.C. San Francisco Joint Medical Program, which embraced the view of medicine that integrated the role of society, the community, and the family. I was also afforded the opportunity to pursue a parallel tract in the visual arts at the A.S.U.C. STUDIO, as well as continue an ongoing dialogue with the visual arts community."

"As both a physician and a visual artist, I have developed a clearer notion of how I might make a meaningful societal contribution as an individual. My passion and goals in the visual arts married to my philosophy and experience in medicine have provided a venue of ongoing expression."

  Revealing Bodies © Exploratorium

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