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Groovy Disco Science
Live Webcast Tuesday, July 25 2000
2:00 P.M. PDT

Groovy DJ

click here for Groovy Disco Science webcast!

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A live webcast written, produced, directed and performed by students from the Aim High program in San Francisco as part of the Exploratorium's Science Summer.

This is the tenth summer that the Exploratorium's Children's Educational Outreach Program has collaborated with Aim High to offer a five-week hands-on science course for 11, 12 and 13-year-olds. This summer we've studied light, color, visual perception, electricity and mechanics by delving into some of the things that made the 1970's so happening and far-out.

Twenty students have each built a portable laser light show and a fiber optic sculpture. These students also learned about color mixing by doing tie-dye. And they've studied light reflection by helping to construct a disco miror ball.

You too can get into the groove by logging on to www.exploratorium.edu/disco on Tuesday, July 25th at 2:00 PM PST and watching our live webcast!

Science Summer is a project of the Exploratorium Outreach Program and Aim High.



Scripted and produced by: Eddie Hosford and Riley McNamara

Directed by: Ryan Williams

Sound operator: Jennifer Burket

Camera operators: Brian Estill, Tony Lew, Lester Valle and Sasha Gorin, Shaleek Finley

Demonstrations and voice-overs: Janet Yu, Denny Tsang, Lauren Lee, Susanna Liu, Kay Chu, Lucy Lei, Annie Zhen, Candy Lee, Eleazar Prieto and Andy Zhu

MC: Exploratorium staffer Marco Jordan

The Exploratorium's Children's Educational Outreach Program is generously funded by:

AirTouch Communications Foundation

America Online, Inc.

Cisco Systems Foundation

The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

The Fred Gellert Family Foundation

The Grove Foundation

The Crescent Porter Hale Foundation

The J.M. Long Foundation

Miranda Lux Foundation

The Ann M. Martin Foundation Inc.

© 2000 Exploratorium