
Live@ the Exploratorium

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Webcast Help Page  

All of our webcasts require you have the RealPlayer installed on your computer.

The latest version, RealPlayer 8.0 is available for Macintosh, Windows, Windows 95, and UNIX platforms. Please visit RealNetworks' Service & Support page for more information.
Download the free RealPlayer . Get Free RealPlayer
Once you have the RealPlayer installed you hit the "Click to Test Audio" button, to make sure it is poperly installed.

If you have the RealPlayer installed properly but cannot find the "button" for the live stream...

  1. Please double-check the time and date, remember all times are in the Pacfic time zone.
  2. Use your "refresh" or "reload" button on your browser, to load the most recent version of the page--the one with the link to the live RealAudio stream.
  3. Try holding down your "shift key" while "refreshing" or "reloading" the web page. You may have the older version of the page loaded locally in your "cache."
    Bandwidth generously donated by AboveNet .
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