Solar Eclipse Home Where to see the August eclipse


Totality at:
Le Havre
10:19 UT/3:19 PDT

Paris (99% totality)-
10:23 UT/3:23 PDT

10:25 UT/3:25 PDT

10:29 UT/3:29 PDT

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[Ce site est disponible en français . ]
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Path of Totality Through France
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Exploratorium Webcast Program:
10:22 UT/03:22 PDT: Live reports and live video from the Explor@dome in Paris, including observation of animals in the Jardin d'Acclimatation.

Local Eclipse Events and Web Sites
The Committee of European Science Musea will sponsor artists in the towns of Arlon and Bouillon, Belgium, who will build giant sculpture installations they are calling "Solar Bows," which will shoot "solar arrows" to the moon at the moment of totality.

Quand le Soleil disparaîtra -- A detailed site from our sister museum, the Explor@dome in Paris, with percent-of-totality maps and positions of major towns.

L'eclipse et le Concorde -- Information on the Air France site about a special charter flight to view the eclipse.

Observatoire règional du Saros -- A French-language site for eclipse watchers travelling to Northern France. Includes local details and scientific info.

Obs/Planetarium Strasbourg eclipse 99 - A French-language site at the Strasbourg Planetarium. Contains scientific and local information, reading lists and more.

Travaux Réalisés par des Classes - See this link and our other French link sites to learn how French schools will be involved in a large scale eclipse tracking event along the path of totality.

Français Vlaams/Nederlands Belgium Info and News -- Provides eclipse viewing information in southern Belgium. Available in English , French and Flemish .

Francais TransEurope Eclipse & Eclipse Art -- A unique site covering some concepts, technology, and artwork that have arisen from eclipses. In English and French .

Eclipse News and Events -- Luxembourg amateur astronomer's site. Versions online in English and French.

Totale Zonsverduistering -- A Dutch-language site detailing how you can travel to Holland and the best Dutch locations to watch the eclipse.

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