Ex.Discrete.Fr.html 8"¯ýJ J‹YÄ·)ò·.Ùþ“ ¯ ·ƒTEXTR*ch 4 q LØ •o É ÅŤÃ

discrete notes <!-- insert this map--> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="325"> <tr valign="top"> <td align="left" rowspan="6"> <map name="redboarder"> <area coords="29, 15, 74, 32" href="http://www.cea.edu/%7ejacks/exploratorium/index.html" shape="rect" target="_top"/> <area coords="22, 105, 81, 124" href="ex.discrete.fr.html" shape="rect"/> <area coords="26, 207, 79, 227" href="ex.tritone.fr.html" shape="rect"/> <area coords="11, 311, 92, 330" href="ex.continuous.fr.html" shape="rect" target="body"/> <area coords="32, 411, 73, 432" href="ex.links.fr.html" shape="rect"/> <area coords="28, 513, 79, 533" href="ex.credits.fr.html" shape="rect"/> <area coords="33, 610, 65, 628" href="http://www.cea.edu/" shape="rect"/> <area coords="2, 714, 101, 733" href="http://www.exploratorium.edu/" shape="rect"/> </map> <img align="bottom" border="0" height="950" ismap="" src="redboarder.wh.2.gif" usemap="#redboarder" width="102"/> </td> <td> <img border="0" height="1" src="spacer.gif" width="75"/> </td> <td align="left" width="325"> <center> <img align="bottom" border="0" height="54" src="discrete(4inches).gif" width="288"/> </center> <center> <embed border="0" height="320" src="discrete_8a.swf" width="320"/> </center> <p> </p> <center> <img align="middle" border="0" height="68" src="canyoufind(3.5inches).gif" width="252"/> </center> <p> <br/> <tt> <font color="000000"> bet you can't find the highest note on this keyboard! <p> play the tones clockwise around the keyboard until you find the highest note. can't? you might have to go around a few times. still can't find the highest note? here's why. . . . </p> <p> </p> </font> <center> <img border="0" height="71" src="sowhat(2inches).gif" width="144"/> </center> </tt> </p> <p> this keyboard creates tones that seem to be continuously rising or falling. when you sing "do, re, me, fa, sol, la, ti, do" the notes rise in pitch until you reach the next "do." this second "do" has the same pitch as the first "do" but is one octave higher. </p> <p> each note on this keyboard is actually a chord comprised of six notes of the same pitch, but of six different octaves. the volume of the middle octaves are the loudest, while the higher and lower octaves are softer. this construction method is the heart of this phenomenon. </p> <p> the basic auditory illusion is that when you play the entire scale, you actually do end up where you started, but the notes <em> appear </em> to have continuously risen (or fallen) in pitch. <br/> <br/> <br/> </p> <center> <a href="ex.tritone.fr.html"> <img align="bottom" border="0" clear="all" height="29" src="next.button(.75).gif" width="54"/> </a> <br/> <br/> <tt> <font color="#aa0000" font="" size="+3"> next! </font> </tt> </center> </td> </tr> </table>