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Exhibition News

Frogs runs from February 13 through September 12, 1999 at the Exploratorium in San Francisco.

The Frogs Film Series Continues, see This month's Calendar of Events for more details.

Coming in person? Here are directions and general information .

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Dr. Robert Full explores the amazing world of animal locomotion.

As part of the "Frog Talks" lecture series, Dr. Robert Full of U.C. Berkeley's Poly-PEDAL Laboratory discussed how diverse animals move -- from bugs to crabs, rodents to toads -- and about general animal movement principles that inform the design of functional robots and humongous insect and movie monsters, such as the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park. Dr. Full is professor of Integrative Biology at U.C. Berkeley.

Check back for audio archives of the Frog Talks Webcast Series and for future "Live@the Exploratorium" webcasts.

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This event was held on Saturday, May 22, 1999 as part of the Frogs exhibition.

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