Because of their sensitivity to human sex hormones, the first pregnancy tests were developed using frogs and not rabbits. The African reed frog, in particular, can also help screen for substances that may act like estrogen, such as PCBs, DES, and DDT, says Professor Hayes. These chemicals are simply introduced into the water; within five to seven days, if the juvenile male reed frogs develop spots, you've found an estrogen-like substance -- and a potential human carcinogen. With this frog model, also called a bioassay, Hayes and his students can test dozens of compounds on thousands of frogs at once. Because the color changes are so striking and so fast, the reed frogs are an economical first step for screening cancer-causing agents before going to rats and other models.
One of the most
disturbing findings of his research are that the doses of hormone needed
to make the males develop female spots are vanishingly small. "This
is a controversial issue among toxicologists," says Hayes. "Normally,
they look for death and deformity to determine the lethal dose. But
with our frogs, there's no minimum dose; it just takes longer to see
the effects."
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