Science of Hockey HELP

Playing RealVideo files:

RealVideo files require that you have the RealPlayer. The current version of the RealPlayer is 5.0 . Please note that you CANNOT play the video files with the RealAudio player. The RealPlayer 5.0 is available for Macintosh, Windows, Window 95, and Unix platforms. To find out whether your particular machine is compatible. Check the RealPlayer Requirements on the Progressive Network homepage.

If you are visiting from AOL (and using version 3.0 or later) please read the following documents from Progressive Networks.

Can I use RealPlayer 5.0 with the AOL 3.0 Web browser on Windows 95?

Can I use the RealAudio/RealPlayer for Macintosh on America On-Line?

For remaining questions visit RealNetworks' Service & Support page.

Before you download you may want to make a bookmark of this page since you will need to quit out of your browser to install the player.

Download the free RealPlayer .

Download the RealPlayer Plus .

Please Note: The RealPlayer is beta software. You may need to need to retry downloading files. For more information and help with RealVideo and Audio visit the FAQ at Progressive Networks.

The Science of Hockey resource contains 28.8, 56, and 100k versions of each video file. The proper file for your connection will called up automatically.

Playing RealAudio files:

If you only care to listen to audio, you can do so with the RealAudio Player 3.0. This player is available from Progressive Networks.

Before you download you may want to make a bookmark of this page since you will need to quit out of your browser to install the player.

Download the free RealPlayer .

Download the RealPlayer Plus .

For more information and help with RealVideo and Audio visit the FAQ at Progressive Networks.

Playing QuickTime Movies:

Currently all of the High-Speed video is available only in QuickTime format. To view these movies you will need a QuickTime player or plug-in. QuickTime is supported by Macintosh, Windows, Windows 95/NT platforms.

Before you download you may want to make a bookmark of this page since you will need to quit out of your browser if you decide to install the QuickTime plug-in.

You may want to read the Before You Download from QuickTime page available at the Apple QuickTime home.

To Download visit the Apple QuickTime Software page.

 RealAudio & Video Services Provided by Conxion

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