Some villages are looking back to their traditional past.
Native handicrafts, dance, and language are making a comeback. This revival
is, in part, prompted by economic opportunities presented by eco-tourism.
In two of the villages we visited--one inhabited by the Bora and the other
by the Yaguar--traditional songs and dances were presented for our benefit.
The differences in music, dance and dress between the tribes was remarkable
considering that they are so close geographically.
he other villages and small towns that we stopped in gave
us a better idea of what day-to-day life in the Amazon is like. Here people
tend small gardens, women do the wash down at the river's edge, and children
play in dugout canoes. We couldn't help but be amazed at seeing a seven-year-old
very confidently paddle around the river with a three-year-old sister on
Discovering the Amazon:
The World's Greatest River