Suggested Reading

"The Amazon: Past, Present, and Future," Alain Gheerbrant, Harry N. Abrams, Incorporated, New York, 1992.

"Ture Stories: Into the Virgin Forest by Ocean Liner," Blaise Cendrars, 1936.

"Amazon Wildlife" Hans-Ulrich Bernard, APA Publications (HK), 1995

Amazon Sunset

Amazon Interactive -Online games and activities with help teach about the rainforest and the Quichua people of the Ecuadorian Amazon. This activities are fun and informative. This site makes good use of "gif animations."

PiranhaCam - Vist the Cam during feeding time. The site has video of piranhas swimming and eating. They're always looking for volunteers to clean the tank!

Project Amazonas - A non-profit research, conservation, education and humanitarian organization. This group helps provide regular medical care and health education for the people living along remote rivers of the Peruvian Amazon.

Rainforest Health Project - Four times a year, this group sends volunteer medical professionals and interested lay travelers to remote villages in the Peruvian Amazon. The site contains information and a schedule for this years' excursions, it also contains an excellent reading list.

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