
having trouble?

Site requirements
This site was designed to work with following Web browsers on both PC and Mac:
* Mozilla Firefox 1.5+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 1.3+

Many pages on the site use Javascript for an enhanced experience.

Trouble with video and multimedia interactives?

All video content works with Flash Player 7, and most media files are 20MB each with a streaming download.

Note: As of October 6, 2006. Some Macintosh computers may have trouble with the Play/Pause/Replay feature, and dragging through points in the movie. We are working to resolve this.

* Download the most recent Flash Player: Adobe Flash Player 9 .

Is the text too small for you? Make it bigger!
To help Web visitors with trouble reading tiny text, this Web site was styled with CSS, and text graphics were kept to a minimum. In order to increase the font size of the content on this site, try the following. Navigate to the preferences or options of your Web browser. Search for 'font' or 'accessibility' options. You should be able to find an option that will allow you to override our styles with font styles and sizes of your own choosing. The layout of the website might get a little shuffled with very large fonts - but you should be able to at least read the text.

Print and Do activities are in PDF format as well as .doc format.
PDFs can be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader .
.doc files are a standard Microsoft Word format.

Don’t like to download .doc files?
· Get .doc files in .rtf (Rich-Text format) instead.

Accessibility Statement

We have made every attempt to make the content of this Web site accessible for all Web users. If you have troubles using this site, we welcome your feedback.

* Available by November 2006 : Flash Player 7 interactives are tagged with accessibility and will have been tested with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Jaws 7 on a PC.
* Website constructed with CSS.
* Download Quicktime versions of the movies.
* See subtitled Listening Guide movies
* Available by November 2006: Download transcripts of Listening Guide movies.

Want to take part in a survey and help us make this Web site better?
It only takes 15 minutes of your time to fill out our questionnaire. Your feedback will go miles in helping make this and future Exploratorium Web sites user-friendly.
For more information e-mail: listen_feedback at exploratorium dot edu

Contact Information
Please direct comments and feedback to:
listen_feedback at exploratorium dot edu .