Barry McGee

  • 1966- Born, San Francisco, CA
  • 1991- B.F.A. Painting & Printmaking, San Francisco Art Institute
  • Exhibitions
  • 1994- One Man Exhibition / Installation, Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
  • 1993- Installation Museu Lasar Segall Sao Paulo, Brazil
  • 1993- Twelve Bay Area Painters: The Eureka Fellowship Winners , San Jose Museum of Art, San Jose, CA
  • 1993- Textures of Nature , Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA
  • 1993- Folklore , Luggage Store, 509 Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA
  • 1993- Installation, La Raza Graphics Center, San Francisco, CA
  • 1992- U.C. Santa Cruz, Mary Porter Sesnon Gallery, Santa Cruz, CA
  • 1991- Wet Paint , Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
  • 1991- 3/Play , Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
  • 1991- Installation, Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco, CA
  • 1991- Wall of Resistance, Wall of Shame , U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
  • 1991- Art Against the War , A.T.a. Gallery, San Francisco, CA
  • 1991- Multicultural Show, Diego Rivera Gallery, San Francisco, CA
  • 1990- Spray-can Art: Panels , S.F. Youth Programs, San Francisco, CA
  • 1990- Group Show, Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA
  • 1988- Mural, Community, Students, Workers: Chaugitillo Elementary School, Chaugitillo, Nicaragua, C.A
  • 1987- Earthbook Mural with Juana Alicia & Cia Yang, Skyline Community College, San Bruno, CA
  • Awards