Susan Greene


Ruby Rose V. Neri


  • 1994- B.F.A., Painting, San Francisco Art Institute. San Francisco, CA
  • Group Exhibitions
    1995 - House of Ill Repute , Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
    Collaborative Mural for Longshoremen Union
    1994- Mostly Painting By Alicia And Ruby ; Diego Rivera Gallery,
    San Francisco, CA
    Breath Control , Berkeley Store Gallery Annex Berkeley. CA
    John Berggruen Gallery; Guest Artist in Mark Di Suveros show. San Francisco, CA
    1993- One Of A Kind Holiday Benefit; Intersection for The Arts, San Francisco, CA
    1992- Wet Paint ; Southern Exposure Gallery, San Francisco, CA
    Mostly Painting By Alicia And Ruby ; Diego Rivera Gallery. San Francisco, CA
    Commissioned Murals
  • 1994- 509 Cultural Center/ Collaborative Mural; Barry McGee, Mural Coordinator, San Francisco, CA
  • 1993- Commissioned Mural; Inverness, CA
  • Center For The Arts, Yerba Buena Gardens; Window Display for Liz Claiborne, San Francisco, CA
  • Clarion Alley Mural Project; San Francisco, CA
  • Panel/ Public Discussion
  • 1994- Taking Liberties ; KPFA, Guest Speaker, Berkeley, CA
  • Graffiti/ Non-Permissible Art ; SOMAR Gallery, Guest Speaker on Panel, San Francisco, CA
  • 1992- Wet Paint ; Southern Exposure Gallery. Guest Speaker on Panel, San Francisco, CA

  • Introduction | Comments | Acknowledgements | Links | New Langton Arts