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April 21, 1 p.m. PDT
Making Sense of What Hubble Gives Us

Hubble's pictures have changed our understanding of the galaxy. We'll meet some scientists who will show us how their images have led to knew discoveries. And we'll check in on our own imaging project and track its progress.


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Webcast duration: 1 hour
An archived version will be available one hour after the end of the Webcast.

Today's Guests :

Forrest Hamilton is a computer programmer and helps trouble shoot and maintain the data pipelines of scientific observations from the Hubble Space Telescope. He grew up in the north central Indiana countryside along with 12 other siblings and has a degree in astrophysics and astronomy. Forrest is a member of the Hubble Heritage Team and in his spare time he builds telescopes for himself and his sons. He is also dedicated to preserving pristine night skies and volunteers as webmaster for the International Dark-Sky Association .

Dr. Paolo Padovani works for the European Space Agency at the Space Telescope Science Institute. He was born in Verona, the town in Northern Italy where Galileo first looked at the sky with his telescope. Dr. Padovani splits his time between observing active galactic nuclei and maintaining the Multimission Archive (MAST), a public database of all the astronomical data collected by the Hubble Space Telescope and other NASA observatories. His web page is .




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