- Last updated May 13, 1997
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Brody, Jane E. "Making the Most of Your Muscles with Proper Care, Nutritino,
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Buskirk, E.R., and J. Mendez. "Sports Science and Body-Composition
Analysis - Emphasis on Cell and Muscle Mass."
Medicine and Science
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Delhagen, Kate. "The Many Shapes of Sport." [Women's body shapes
and their suitability to specific sports.]
Women's Sports & Fitness
February 1987, pp. 28(3).
Diamond, Jared. "The Athelete's Dilemma."
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Dickman, Steven. "East Germany: Science in the Disservice of the State."
[East Germany research to perfect steroid druges for athletes.]
v254, October 4, 1991.
Epstein, Sue Hoover. "World Records: The Limits of Human Performance."
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Newton at the Bat: The Science in Sports
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William F., and Eric W. Schrier. Ann Arbor: Books on Demand, 1994, pp. 123-127.
Gold, Michael. "Wrestling with Weight Loss." [Chapter in:]
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Heagerty, A.M. "Winning Rhythm.?"
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Honda, Kyoko. " Sports Nutrition Science for Victory. Food Practice
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Masood, Ehsan. "Performance-Enhancers Pose Dilemma for Rule-Makers."
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Masood, Ehsan. "Swifter, higher, stronger: pushing the envelope of
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Neff, Craig. "How High? How Far? How Soon?: Assessing the Limits of
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Sports Illustrated
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Nieman, D.C., et al. "Immune Function in Atheletes versus Nonatheletes."
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Noonan, David. "The Heart of the Matter." [Cardiac health in athletes.]
Sports Illustrated
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O'Connor, A.M., et al. "Circulating Gastrointestinal Hormone Changes
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International Journal of Sports Medicine
v16 n5, July 1995, pp. 283-287.
O'Connor, A.M., et al. "Circulating Gastrointestinal Hormone Changes
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International Journal of Sports Medicine
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Ochert, Ayala. "Could Women Take a Lead Over Men in the Long Run?"
v382, July 4, 1996, pp. 15-16."
Pesmen, Curtis. "Five Atheletic Body Types: Ultimate Fitness Comes
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Work in the Right Sport."
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Surridge, Christopher. "Science Tracks Down the Training Dangers."
v382, July 4, 1996, pp. 14-15.
Turnball, Alison. "Making all the Right Moves."
New Scientist
July 25, 1992. pp. 23-27.
Walsh, Julie. Caffeine Boost or Java Jive?
Women's Sport & Fitness
September 1994, pp. 67-8.
Wintsch, Susan. "The Physiology of Keeping Cool." [Chapter in:]
Newton at the Bat: The Science in Sports
. Ed. by Allman, William
F., and Eric W. Schrier. Ann Arbor: Books on Demand, 1994, pp. 105-109.
Video / Film
Lesson Plans & Experiments
Computer Media
Internet Resources
WorldOrtho - The Ultimate Orthopaedic
and Sports Medicine Web Site
. URL:
American College of Sports Medicine.
American Orthopaedic Society for Sports
. URL:
Neuromuscular Research Laboratory,
University of Pittsburgh
. URL:
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews: The Official Annual Series of the American
College of Sports Medicine. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
The Physician and Sportsmedicine
Sports Medicine Newsletter:
The Newsletter of Athletic Performance
. Pennsylvania State University.