-Last updated May 13, 1997
Bundey, Nikki.
In the Water
. [First Sports Science Series] Minneapolis
: Lerner Group, 1996.
Colwin, Cecil M.
Swimming into the 21st Century
. Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics Publishing, 1993.
Leonard, John.
Science of Coaching Swimming
. Champaign : Human Kinetics
Publishers, 1992.
Hitoshi, Yanagi, et al. " Individual Variations in Anaerobic and Aerobic
Power in Female Junior Swimmers. Sports Science for Swimmers and Coaches."
Journal of Sports Medicine and Science
[Language: Japanese], v9 n2, 1995, pp. 1-6.
Jerome, John. "Propellers, Paddlewheels, and Swimming Faster."
Newton at the Bat: The Science in Sports
. Ed. by Allman, William
F., and Eric W. Schrier. Ann Arbor: Books on Demand, 1994, pp.140-144.
Kord, Michele. The Big C: Lynne Cox Braves Frigid Water to Make the World
a Little Warmer. Women's Sport & Fitness, April 1993, pp. 37 (3).
Walzer, Emily. "In Pursuit of Excellence: Performance Swimwear."
Women's Sport & Fitness
, May-June 1990, pp. 45 (4).
Video / Film
Lesson Plans & Experiments
Computer Media
Internet Resources
Science Journal
. This site contains four sections; " The Swimming
Science Abstracts" has information on the biomechanics, hydrodynamics,
physiology, and psychology of swimming. The other three sections contain
information for coaches and a special section on the use of performance-enhancing
drugs. URL: http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/coachsci/swimming/index.html