Sport Science

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All Questions are from the publication The Sporting Life unless otherwise indicated.


This list was last updated May 15, 1997

Click me to find out the answer   Why do my muscles sometimes burn when I'm excercising?

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  Why do I feel sore the day after I exercise?

 The soreness comes from inflammation of the muscles. If you overexercise or exercise improperly, you can make small tears in the muscle fibers. Various proteins and other material from inside the cell can then leak out. Your body's immune system sees the leaking material and tries to destroy it, creating a mild inflammation, which you feel as next-day soreness. (That's why taking anti-inflammatory drugs, like Advil, helps ease the pain.)

With training, your muscles get more resistant to exercise-induced stress and become less likely to tear or otherwise be damaged. According to Dr. Stephen Seiler, an exercise physiologist at the Institute of Sport and Health at Agder College in Kristiansand, Norway, "For the regular exerciser, next-day soreness is a sign of over-stress and definitely should not happen every day or even very often."

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Click me to find out the answer   Why does spinning a ball make it curve?
Click me to find out the answer How does Michael Jordan manage to hang in the air for so long when he goes up for a slam dunk?

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