Cellular automata are the simplest models of spatially
distributed processes. They consist of an array of cells, each of which
is allowed to be in one of a few
At the same time, each cell looks to its neighbors to see what states they
are in. Using this information each cell applies a simple rule to determine
what state it should change to. This basic step is repeated over the whole
array, again and again. Some of the patterns produced, by several simple
cellular automata, are shown on this page.
Cellular automata were invented in the 1940's
by the mathematicians John von Neuman and Stanislaw Ulam, while they were
working at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in northern central New Mexico.
The most famous cellular automaton is the
Of Life"
invented by mathematician John
Conway, in the 1960's. Despite the simplicity
of the rules governing the changes of state as the automaton moves from
one generation to the next, the evolution of such a system is complex indeed.
For interactive cellular automata simuations,
go to Prof. David Griffeath's Java-based page
. (The images on this page were produced by Prof. Griffeath
and his students.)
A great collection of animated simulations is
available at the
Artificial Life Page