Bluebonnet Capital of Texas
Produced by: Jane
Where in the heck is Burnet, Texas ?
Welcome to my webpage! Yes, even those of us living in rural America get on the Internet. I am glad you visited my homepage and I sincerely hope you get the opportunity to visit Burnet. It is truly a wonderful place. I am a teacher in Burnet. I work with Middle School students. I would like to send Hello's & Hugs to my family (in Downing, Mo) , my friends (all over the place) and last, but certainly not least...MY students. If you would like to write you me, you may contact me via email: west@ See you around!!
Top 10 Web Spots--For teachers
in my humble opinion
1. Wright Center for Science Education
3. Smithsonian
4. White House
5. Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC)
8. Netscape
10. Disney
(Joking Around - Aggie Land & Redneck Jokes )
We gotta have a break ... :-}
The Internet is for classroom use. Yes, I believe you should have an
acceptable use policy setup with your students, along with
consequences for unacceptable use. There are serveral places on the
web that discuss Nettique. Use a search engine to find these topics.
page accessed....
Oops....looks like a few too many times . . :-}
Gig' Em
When you link to this site...scroll down to Aggie
War Hymn...Wonderful!
Bye Ya'll - Please Come Back!