Greetings from
37 0 37' N 122 0 23' W
Me at Web Science Workshop, July 1997 |
Welcome to my part of the world! My name is Debbie Farkas, and I teach 8th grade science at Horace Mann Academic Middle School in San Francisco. I'm currently involved in a wonderful project called the Women's Triad Project that addresses issues of gender equity in the classroom. The program supports a science club for girls and gives them and me an opportunity to interact with women scientists from UCSF. The women scientists and I collaborate in planning and facilitating club meetings. The project is sponsored by SEP , the Science and Health Education partnership. There is a SEP resource list that you may find helpful. I'm also involved in developing performance standards for SFUSD middle school science. If you want to find out more about me and some cool sites I've discovered, be my guest!