Name _________________________
Composers of music use fractions to indicate the amount of time, or counts, given to a each note of a song. For example, the amount of time given to a whole note is twice the time given to a half note. That means that if their are four counts to a measure, a whole note will get all four and a half note only two. Fill in the appropriate numbers to make equivalent expressions below.
After each each expression draw the notes as in the example.
one whole note =
half notes
4 half notes = ______ whole notes
8 quarter notes = ______ half notes
_______ quarter notes = one half note
_______ eighth notes = one whole note
_______ eighth notes = one half note
_______ eighth notes = one quarter note
20 sixteenth notes = _______ quarter notes
_______ sixteenth notes = 3 half notes
________ sixteenth notes = one quarter note
________ sixteenth notes = one eighth note
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