Snacks about Perception

Snack name



Even with our eyes closed, we have a sense of body position - where our arms and legs are, for example, and that we are moving them. Muscles, tendons, joints and the inner ear contain proprioceptors , also known as stretch receptors, which relay positional information to our brains.

Real Image

Create the image of an object in space using a $2 ornament.

Sense of Taste

Receptors on our tongues bind to chemicals in our food and relay the information about the chemicals to our brain. Surprisingly, all those wonderful tastes are transmitted to our brains through only four types of receptors on our tongues - those for sweet, sour, salt and bitter.

Spinning Cyclinder

A spinning rod with a mark near one end is set rotating and spinning at the same time. Amidst the blur of the spinning cylinder, the mark appears three times, forming a stationary triangle.



The Exploratorium 3601 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94123