Cylindrical Mirror
you look into a cylindrical mirror with the axis of the mirror horizontal
and with your face a foot or more away from the mirror, your image is
upside-down. That's because the light from your hair bounces off the
curved mirror and comes to your eye from below.
To make sense of the
angle at which the light is entering your eye, your eye and brain must
see the image of your face as upside-down and a little bit in front of
the mirror. As everyone knows, a flat mirror reverses your right side
and your left side. How does it do that? Suppose you are standing face
to face with another person. If your right ear points toward the east,
his or her left ear will point toward the east. Now, instead of facing
another person, suppose you are facing a flat mirror with your right ear
pointing to the east. The light from your right ear will bounce off the
flat mirror and enter your eyes from the east. Even though your east ear
is the east ear of the image, your right ear has become the left ear of
the image! (Yes, this is a little mind boggling at first reading. But
once you get it, it will seem simple.)