
Mudflats | Salt Marsh- Inter tidal Pond | Upland | Rocky Shoreline | Home

Physical Features


  1. Soil
    1. Moisture-Dry
    2. Texture: gritty, sandy, medium sticky, Sand-clay combination.
    3. Color-Light brown to brown

Biotic Features


  1. Plants
    1. Lots of invasive species such as: ice plant, wild oat, and scotch broom.
    2. Grassy
      1. sour grass
    3. 100% cover by grasses. CA poppy, fennel, wild radish, coyote bush, blue lupine and others


  2. Animals
    1. Insects: beetles, dragonfly, flies, bees
    2. Worms
    3. Birds: red-winged blackbird

Figure 7:
Upland contains a variety of species which are mostly non-native, invasive and exotics.

Figure 8:
Upland quadrat with poor drainage nevertheless has a large variety of plant species.