The Gallery of Honor highlights the outstanding achievements of members of the San Francisco Bay Area community in the fight against AIDS. The fifty-four honorees represent the many people associated with local AIDS service organizations, including staff members and volunteers, who have had an influence on research, education, and advocacy efforts worldwide.
To assemble the Gallery of Honor, the Exploratorium invited Bay Area AIDS organizations to nominate one outstanding individual. All submissions are on display. Please join us in honoring these outstanding individuals:
Donald Abrams, M.D.
Honored by Community Consortium
Celi Adams, R.N., O.N.C.
Honored by Home Care Companions
Wayne April
Honored by Dolores Street Community Services
Charles J. Arnold
Honored by Project Open Hand
Geri Brooks, Ph.D.
Honored by Sunburst Projects
Pamela Campion
Honored by Dublin Unified School District
Larry Casas
Honored by the AIDS Project of Contra Costa
Sylvia Chappell
Honored by the East Bay AIDS Center
Brian H. Cheu
Honored by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission
Mary Correro
Honored by the San Mateo County AIDS Program
Bruce L. Cronander
Honored by Continuum HIV Day Services
Douglas DeBeni
Honored by Sonoma County AIDS Foundation
Ed Decker
Honored by the New Conservatory Theatre Center
Martin Delany
Honored by Project Inform
Thomas Lee Eades
Honored by the Institute for Community Health Outreach
Jeff Friedman
Honored by the Legacy Oral History Project
Jeanne Gallyot
Honored by Sonoma County People for Economic Opportunity
Jeff Getty
Honored by ACT UP/East Bay
Dr. Gene Gowdey
Honored by the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry
Deborah Greenspan, B.D.S., D.S.C.
Honored by the Oral AIDS Center, Department of Stomatology, University of California at San Francisco
Anna Halprin
Honored by the Tamalpa Institute
Dr. Harry Hollander
Honored by the University of California at San Francisco
John Iversen
Honored by Katharine Gale
Mike Kemmerer
Honored by Tri-City Health Center
Gary Levinson
Honored by the Support Center for Nonprofit Management
Sederia Lewis
Honored by the City of Berkeley Public Health Clinic
Gloria J. Lockett
Honored by the California Prevention and Education Project
Catherine Lyons, R.N., N.P.
Honored by the University of California at San Francisco AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital
John McGrann
Honored by KAIROS Support for Caregivers
John P. Maguire
Honored by the San Francisco AIDS Foundation
Edwin Mah
Honored by the Living Well Project, Asian and Pacific Islander AIDS Service
Gail Maurer
Honored by Healthy Kids Resource Center
Naomi Mayer, R.N., C.N.M., M.A.
Honored by Hospice by the Bay
Carole Migden
Honored by the office of San Francisco County Supervisor Carole Migden
Helen M. Miramontes, M.S., R.N., F.A.A.N.
Honored by the University of California at San Francisco School of Nursing, Community Health Systems Department
Melanie Ng
Honored by the Asian Health Services AIDS Project
Lisa O'Connor
Honored by Walden House, Inc.
Dino Offenhauser
Honored by AIDS Legal Services, a program of the Santa Clara County Bar Association Law Foundation
Margo Rila, Ed.D.
Honored by the San Francisco Sex Information Hotline
Fr. Paul Rossi
Honored by the Marin AIDS Interfaith Network
Donna Saffioti
Honored by Horizons Unlimited of San Francisco, Inc.
Amy Sims-Candida
Honored by Valley Community Health Center
Solano Teen Outreach Project
Honored by Planned Parenthood Shasta-Diablo
Irene Smith
Honored by Service Through Touch
Brenda Storey
Honored by HIV Services, Mission Neighborhood Health Center
Jim Topping
Honored by KGO-TV
Joann Walker
Honored by the California Coalition for Women Prisoners
Rev. Robert Dale Walter
Honored by Sojourn Chaplaincy at San Francisco General Hospital
Terry Wheeler
Honored by Planned Parenthood Golden Gate
Linda White, M.S.W.
Honored by the Center for Special Problems
Chris Wilder, M.P.H.
Honored by Santa Clara County AIDS Health Services
Tice Wilkins, R.N.
Honored by Fremont Mission: AIDS
Clifton Charles Wilson
Honored by the Alameda County Office of AIDS Administration
Shirley Yu
Honored by the Asian AIDS Project