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Teachers and informal educators will find plenty of resources for ESTEME Week and for math and science activities throughout the year right here at!


Conquering Childhood Diseases
Funding decisions aren't easy. In this activity, students play the roles of scientists, parents and PR specialists in a debate about research funding for a variety of childhood diseases.

Bones and the Badge
Students become forensic scientists and work together to solve crime cases and learn about careers in forensic science.

Sports Night
Who knew there was so much interesting math in sports? Students analyze athlete's statistics and make predictions about the next season's performance.

Engineers Without Borders
Students work in teams to propose engineering solutions to infrastructure problems in developing countries.

Ewe2/You Too?
A Webquest on the bioethics of cloning.

A Creative Encounter of the Numerical Kind
The year is AD 2073 and the president of the United Nations has drafted you (because of your famous mathematical brain) to join a team of mathematical consultants to travel to Zonetia, a recently discovered planet in a neighboring galaxy. King Zoppo (he’s the green guy on the home page) of the Zony Tribe on Zonetia insists that his primitive society cannot begin to make technological advancements unless they have guidance to develop a brand new base 4 number system to fit the Zonies’ two-fingered hands. That’s right; they have two hands just like you, but each hand has only two fingers. Therefore, they need a specially tailored number system with only four symbols. In order to best preserve Zony culture, King Zoppo, in his wisdom, has requested that the new number symbols be different than those used on earth.

Your Design Team Creates a Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car!
Your group has been hired by an automotive company to work on the green-vehicle promotional team. The promotional team has been asked to prepare four products to attract potential customers for a new hybrid-electric vehicle (HEV).


It's A Wild Ride Project
It's a Wild Ride takes a high-interest topic, roller coasters, and builds content-specific knowledge before moving to an open-ended group design task.

Society of Women Engineers Lesson Plans
Follow the links and learn about biomedical, civil, chemical, mechanical, electrical, materials, general, and aerospace engineering! Each lesson contains hands-on or interactive activities as well as explanations of the science and engineering.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Lesson Plans
IEEE has developed lesson plans that teachers can use in their classrooms. Each lesson is tied to educational standards and includes teacher summaries, student worksheets, and activities. 

Collaborative Online Science Projects
The Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education provides a number of lesson plans for teachers.

Engineering "Magic" (ASME)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers provides classroom materials on the "magic" of engineering.

Scientific Activities
The Mid-Continent Research for Education and Learning provides accessible mathematics and science materials.

A High-Tech Look at Lewis and Clark
This Web site allows students to retrace explorers’ steps using satellite imagery and interactive maps.

Join in the Search for SOHO’s 1,000th Comet
A new contest is challenging NASA Web visitors to guess which day and at what time the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft will find its 1,000th comet.

The NASA SciFiles
Apply the methods of science while solving real-world problems.

This site establishes a “connection” between the mathematics, science, and technology concepts taught in the classroom and the mathematics, science, and technology used every day by NASA researchers.

NASA Kids Science News Network
This program uses the Web, animation, and video to introduce science, technology, engineering, math, and NASA concepts.

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This section provides materials that can be used in the classroom to interest students in science and mathematics.

Technology Literacy Standards (ITEA)
Publications on technology for all Americans from the International Technology Education Association.

Technology Curriculum (ITEA)
This series of professional publications is based on Standards for Technological Literacy: Content for the Study of Technology (ITEA, 2000) and is designed for developing contemporary, standards-based K–12 technology education programs.

ASME Teacher Resources (ENG)
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Teacher Resource page.

Engineering/Technology Curriculum (CETA)
California Engineering & Technology Alliance engineering/technology curriculum for high schools.

A World in Motion Curriculum (SAE)
The A World In Motion (AWIM) program was developed to interest elementary and middle school students in math and science right at the time they normally turn away from these areas. AWIM programs are fun. Children enjoy the hands-on activities and teachers value the program's interdisciplinary curriculum supplements in which math, science, engineering, and social studies are all integrated into one unit plan.

Tip the Scales U.S. Mint Activity for K–1
Using coins as the standard of measure, students will estimate and check weights of classroom objects.

Distinguished Discoveries U.S. Mint Activity for 4 6
Students learn the importance of selected discoveries. Students are asked to research the history and impact of historical discoveries, using this information to compare and contrast the two. Based on the Florida quarter.

Introducing Industries: U.S. Mint Activity for 4 6
Students will explain the effect of temperature and climate, physical features, and economic resources on industries in the United States. Based on the Michigan quarter.

Using Your Senses: U.S. Mint Activity for K 1
Students will read an age-appropriate text to learn about the woman featured on Alabama's quarter, Helen Keller. They will also conduct a science exploration of the five senses.

Pioneers in Space: U.S. Mint Activity for K–1
Students will learn the meaning of the word "pioneer" and will be introduced to some aviation pioneers who came from Ohio. The students will also preview and listen to an age-appropriate text relating to the design of the Ohio quarter reverse.

Flying High in Ohio: U.S. Mint Activity for 2–3
Students will use a graphic organizer to explore the similarities and differences between two sets of "aviation pioneers." Students will also read age-appropriate texts related to the design of the Ohio state quarter.

A Biome to Call Home: U.S. Mint Activity for 4–6
Students will research, present and compare information about the features of seven biomes that exist in the United States. Based on the Arkansas quarter.

National Institutes of Health Science Curriculum Supplements
The NIH Curriculum Supplement
Series provides classroom activities that feature cutting-edge science research discoveries from the National Institutes of Health, one of the world's foremost medical research centers.

Human Genome Project Education Resources
U.S. Human Genome Project (HGP) Resources for educators and students.

Perception Is Not Always Reality or Recognizing Illusions in Nature
Provides classroom activities based on optical illusions.

Environmental Protection Agency Acid Rain Sourcebook
Acid rain is a serious environmental problem that affects large parts of the U.S. and Canada. This section of the Web site provides information about acid rain's causes and effects, how we measure acid rain, and what is being done to solve the problem.

PBS Math Resources Page
Find 3,000+ free lesson plans and activities!

PBS Science Resources Page
Find 3,000+ free lesson plans and activities!

Coining Scientific Discoveries: Middle School Activity Using U.S. Coins
Using this classroom activity, teachers can explain the objectives of the Lewis and Clark Expedition and the relationship of those objectives to the designs of the Westward Journey Nickel Series.

The Change of A River: High School Science Activity Using U.S. Coins
Students will describe the effect of changes in the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere on the Missouri River over the past 200 years.

National Science Center Teacher Tools for Science
The National Science Center in Augusta, Georgia, provides explorations in 11 science topics: magnetism, mathematics, motion, sound, science soup, wave phenomena, light, energy, electricity, air pressure/fluids, and chemistry.

The GetTech Teacher Lesson Guide
This is a link to an online teacher guidebook.

Primarily for Teachers
Classroom materials and background information from NOAA.

NASA TV Education File Extra
In this area you will find the theme-based NASA TV Education File Extra resource page that highlights related NASA educational products, Web site, and resources.

NASA Earth Science Resources
Learn about earth science resources related to NASA activities.

NASA Math Resources
Learn about math resources related to NASA activities.

NASA Physical Science Resources
Learn about physical science resources related to NASA activities.

NASA Space Science Resources
Learn about space science resources available to teachers.

MATHCOUNTS Middle School Curriculum Resources
Find teaching resources and hundreds of free math problems.

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MEGA Mathematics from Lawrence Livermore Lab
The MegaMath project is intended to bring unusual and important mathematical ideas to elementary school classrooms so that young people and their teachers can think about them together.

NASSMC Briefing Series
The National Association of State Science and Mathematics Coalitions provides a briefing service that is an Internet-based information resource, providing brief, timely, crisply formatted summaries of important mathematics, science, and technology education (MSTE) issues addressed in the national press.

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ASEE K–12 Engineering Resource Center
The American Society for Engineer Education has numerous resources for teachers and students.

A Web site from t
he National Science Digital Library where students and teachers can ask questions about education, science, mathematics, social science, health, technology, and other subject areas.

E Week Teachers Resources
February 20–26, 2005, will mark the 54th annual celebration of National Engineers Week. Planners offer two hands-on activities for your classroom, three new bilingual bookmarks, and much more.

Gallery of Award-Winning Science Web Sites
Forty-five award-winning Web site resources covering a wide range of subject areas.

Resources for teachers and mathematics educators, including lessons, interactive tools, and reviewed Web resources organized by grade ranges and standards.

Classroom videos for teachers to view, analyze, and reflect on instructional practices in the teaching of mathematics along with lessons and questions to guide teacher reflection.

Open-Ended Problem Solving Project (TJHSST)
How to run an open-ended problem-solving project.

AgroWorld—Science, Technology, and Society
The USDA’s AG in the Classroom program has developed this bi-monthly e-zine for secondary educators and their students. Each issue features current events, classroom resources, activities, and grant opportunities that enhance standards based on science, applied technology, and social studies curricula.

Sloan Career Cornerstone Center
The Sloan Career Cornerstone Center is a nonprofit resource center for those exploring career paths in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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National Science Teachers Association
A one-stop shop where all teachers of science can find professional development opportunities; information on awards, grants, and competitions, new titles from NSTA Press; great classroom resources, and more.

The Infinity Project: Engineering Curriculum, Professional Development
Help your students learn how engineering is transforming their everyday lives. The Infinity Project can help you do it quickly, simply, and cost-effectively.

Center for Technological Literacy
The Center for Technology Literacy's (CTL) primary goal is to develop and disseminate innovative curriculum resources for technology educators.

A World in Motion Curriculum (SAE)
The A World In Motion (AWIM) program was developed for elementary and middle school students to pique their interest in math and science right at the time they normally turn away from these areas. AWIM programs are fun. Children enjoy the hands-on activities and teachers value the program's interdisciplinary curriculum supplements in which math, science, engineering, and social studies are all integrated into one unit plan .

Science Related Articles from Southwest Consortium for
the Improvement of Math and Science Teaching
These publications link issues in mathematics and science education to instructional ideas and resources.

Space Explorers Resources
Space Explorers, Inc. is committed to bringing the excitement and challenges of space exploration into classrooms worldwide. Space Explorers promotes discovery, inquiry, and analysis by offering standards-based curricula, mission simulations, and experiments that incorporate actual NASA data.

Amazing Space
Get to know our vast universe by exploring its planets, galaxies, comets, black holes, and more.

National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Awards, Grants, and Competitions
The National Science Teachers Association lists a myriad of awards, grants, and competitions.

National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship
Through entrepreneurship education, NFTE helps young people from low-income communities build skills and unlock their entrepreneurial creativity. Since 1987, NFTE has reached over 100,000 young people, trained more than 3,200 Certified Entrepreneurship Teachers, and continually improved its innovative entrepreneurship curriculum.

Exploration Equals Earth, Moon, Mars and Beyond

Learn more about this Digital Learning Network experience!

World of Opportunity
Tell us about the Earth Explorers you know. We’re looking for students, teachers, scientists, and others who are working with NASA earth science data and imagery to better understand our home planet.

Apply to Be a Teacher-Mentor
The NASA Ames Research Center invites motivated and creative educators of grades 3–8 to apply to become an elite member of a NASA peer-mentoring network, the Airspace Systems Education Cohort (ASEC).

EXPRESS Mailing List
Join the EXPRESS mailing list for educators to receive announcements of new NASA educational publications, Central Operation of Resources for Educators (CORE) multimedia materials, and other opportunities for educators.

NASA Portal—Educator Page
Check out professional development opportunities for educators.

NASA Portal—Act Now Page
Act now before it is too late. This is a list of summer workshops, grants, and other opportunities for educators.

NASSMC Grantseeker
The National Association of State Math and Science Coalitions provides assistance in navigating through the breadth of information on funding opportunities available to find matches for your program ideas.

  About ESTEME ESTEME News Our Partners  
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the lead agency
working with the Department of Education to bring you ESTEME Week.