Glazner explains what creates these features: "Alluvial
fans are produced by debris flows, which are very nasty flows of mud, boulders,
and water that come down these canyons during very heavy rainfall. So a
debris flow might come down a given canyon once every decade or so. They're
very infrequent events. But during extremely heavy rains, material gets
loosened up and flows down very steep canyons and mountains, such as the
Black Mountains, and pours out of the mouth of the canyon and spreads out
when it hits the valley floor into a nice cone shape. If you look at these
alluvial fans, you'll see they have very coarse debris at the top because
the biggest boulders get dumped up there and the debris gets finer and finer
as you move downstream." So while these events are infrequent, they
can be quite destructive. Some residents of Southern California have had
their homes damaged or destroyed by debris flows.
Many of these fans are over a mile across and they are
found all over Death Valley. In fact, the vistor center at Furnace Creek
is built on top of the Furnace Creek Fan. The ages of the debris found in
the fans tell us that it has taken hundreds of thousands of years for these
fans to build up to their present state.