About This Project

From February 26 to March 2, 2003, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory will host the Biology of DNA conference to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of one of the most famous achievements in science, the discovery of the structure of DNA.

James Watson, coauthor of the paper that suggested its structure, first presented his findings to the public at Cold Spring Harbor, one of the country’s oldest biological laboratories. Today, Watson is the president of this laboratory, which conducts basic cancer and memory research, and the visionary behind it’s unique scientific atmosphere. The Exploratorium will take you to the scientific gathering at Cold Spring Harbor in February, and will follow up with an in-depth exploration of the research and culture at this famous lab in May.

Cold Spring Harbor has a rich and storied history, marked by legendary scientists and groundbreaking research. After the conference, we’ll talk to scientists about their work at Cold Spring Harbor, tour their labs, and examine the tools that help them investigate the molecular landscape of genetics and disease. We will launch an expanded Web site on May 1, 2003, and host a new series of live Webcasts starting on May 23, 2003.


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