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March 2006: Liquid Water Possible on Enceladus
The geysers erupting on Enceladus are backlit by the sun. Photo: NASA/JPL
flybys of Saturn’s bright little moon Enceladus have revealed geysers spewing water vapor and ice crystals high above the moon’s south pole. It’s quite remarkable that this small moon, only 300 miles (less than 500 km) in diameter, is geologically active. But the real surprise is the probable source of the eruptions: pockets of liquid water close to the satellite’s surface.
With the possibility of liquid water comes the question, could life arise? According to Dr. Carolyn Porco, head of the Cassini imaging team, “If we are right [that there is evidence of liquid water], we have significantly broadened the diversity of solar system environments where we might possibly have conditions suitable for living organisms.”
The parallel fault lines near the south pole of Enceladus—dubbed “tiger stripes”—are part of the geyser activity. According to the model developed by Cassini scientists, pockets of pressurized liquid water reach the surface through vents in the tiger stripes. Photo: NASA/JPL
Recent explorations of Mars indicate that liquid water once flowed on its surface, and scientists suspect that a huge sea underlies the frozen surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa. If life has developed in the solar system anywhere other than on Earth, Mars and Europa are considered likely places. Now Enceladus has been added to this very exclusive list, making this unusual moon one of the most exciting places in the solar system.
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October 2005: Moon Count Climbs
While the
spacecraft hunts for moons amid Saturn’s rings, earth-based telescopes search the more remote regions of the Saturnian sky. On May 3, 2005, astronomers from the University of Hawaii revealed the discovery of 12 outlying moons. Temporarily dubbed S/2004 S7 through S/2004 S18, the moons were first seen in December 2004, but the astronomers observed them for the first few months of 2005 with a variety of powerful telescopes before announcing their find.
These moons have elongated, inclined orbits, which puts them in a class called
irregular satellites
. And all but one travel around Saturn in the opposite direction to Saturn’s rotation. Both the irregularity and the direction of their orbits indicate that they were captured by Saturn from their original paths around the sun. Under the current conditions of the solar system, it wouldn’t be possible for a planet to kidnap, say, a passing asteroid, so irregular satellites must have been captured long ago. Studying these moons will tell us about an earlier time, possibly a time shortly after the planets were formed.
Moons Make Waves
A new moon spotted by
in May 2005 gratified scientists who had predicted its existence. The little moon, known as S/2005 S1 for now, was found hiding in the Keeler gap in Saturn’s A ring. The tip-off came when scientists noticed that the uneven edges of the Keeler gap were similar to those of the Encke gap, also in the A ring, which is home to the moon Pan. The wavy edges of the gaps indicate that the embedded moons have an effect on the material that makes up the rings.
Moonlet S/2005 S1, 4 miles (7 km) in diameter, sails through the middle of the Keeler gap in Saturn’s A ring.
Photo credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Center
The photo (above) of the Keeler gap provides a compelling lesson in orbital mechanics. The top of the image is closest to Saturn and the moon is moving leftward. The ring particles closer to Saturn (above the moon) orbit faster than the moon so that they carry the wavy perturbations ahead of the moon, to the left. The ring particles below the moon orbit slower than the moon and so the ripples stretch behind the moon to the right.
An important property of the ripples is how fast they die out. Notice that they are larger near the moon and smaller farther away. The ring particles orbit in the vacuum of space so they move without friction in the classical earthbound sense. But something is causing the ripples to die out. Finding out the exact origin of the damping of the waves will help us understand the size distribution and density of particles that make up the rings and also how they interact with each other in the presence of Saturn’s gravity.
Moons Receive New Names
The first moons discovered by
in the summer of 2004 have traded in their temporary appellations for more melodious mythological names. No longer plain S/2004 S1 and S/2004 S2, these tiny inner moons are now Methone and Pallene, named for two of seven sisters known as the Alkyonides. They orbit between two of Saturn’s major moons, Mimas and Enceladus.
A third moon, S2004 S5, is now called Polydeuces. In Greek mythology, Polydeuces (or Pollux) is the son of Zeus, which makes him the grandson of Cronus—who the Romans called Saturn. Polydeuces is interesting because it’s a Trojan moon, a moon that travels in the same orbit as a larger moon, either 60 degrees ahead of it or behind it. Polydeuces travels behind Dione, which has a second companion, Helene, that travels in front of it.
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January 2005 :
Probe Huge Success
The European Space Agency’s
probe parachuted through the smoggy atmosphere of Saturn’s mysterious moon Titan on January 14, accomplishing all the tasks set for it—and more.
To hear the sounds that the Huygens probe recorded,
click here
After a seven-year journey aboard the spaceship
separated from its mother ship on December 25 and coasted a million miles toward Titan. It reached its target exactly as planned, then spent two-and-a-half hours descending 700 miles through Titan’s atmosphere. Along the way, it sampled and analyzed gases in the atmosphere, recorded sounds, took images of Titan’s surface, and collected a wealth of other data.
A soft landing
Scientist couldn’t anticipate whether
would land on a hard or soft surface, or possibly splash down into a liquid lake, but it turned out that they had picked an ideal location. Approaching Titan at 15 mph, the probe settled onto a spongy, forgiving surface.
Undamaged by the landing,
survived on Titan for about five hours—far exceeding the “best case” expectations of thirty minutes—and was able to transmit about two hours of useful data.
Like the earth—only different
The images
provided of Titan seem startlingly familiar. There are plains strewn with rocks, for example, and meandering, branching riverbeds.
Surface of Titan
The tangerine sky is due to Titan’s smoggy atmosphere. Sunlight shining through the atmosphere onto rocks of white water ice would make the rocks look orange, too.
Photo credit: ESA/NASA
The main visual difference between Titan’s landscape and that of the earth is that there’s no vegetation or other sign of life. But there are major chemical differences as well. First of all, those rocks are likely to consist of water ice. With a surface temperature hovering at around -300°F (-180°C), rocks of water ice would be as hard as the silicate rocks on earth and would be in no danger of melting.
The rocks show signs of weathering, however, and clouds over Titan indicate that the moon does experience weather. In place of the liquid water that rains onto the earth, though, it appears that Titan is showered with methane. At Titan’s temperatures, methane can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas, so it’s very probable that Titan has a “methane cycle” similar to the earth’s water cycle.
The land in between the rocks in the image is like the soil
landed on. It appears that it’s a granular water ice mixed with hydrocarbons and saturated with liquid methane. Heat generated by
caused bursts of methane gas to rise from the soil, where the gas was detected by two of the Huygens instruments.
Another feature of Titan’s soil is that there are dark spots, particularly in riverbeds and other low-lying areas. It seems that hydrocarbons from the atmosphere settle on the land but are washed off high surfaces by rain.
A young surface
images, along with images taken by
show that Titan has an extremely varied topography. Conspicuous by their absence, though, are large craters such as those that cover our own moon and many of Saturn’s other satellites. Titan’s surface is “geologically young,” having been renewed by precipitation, erosion, and other processes that also shape the surface of the earth.
We have, then, a place that shares many of earth’s geophysical and meteorological processes, but processes that work on entirely different substances and at temperatures that are so cold it’s hard to imagine them.
Titan is nothing short of astonishing.
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December 2004: Peering
through Titan’s Haze
spacecraft has recently had two close
encounters with Saturn’s moon Titan. On October 26,
2004, it flew within 750 miles (1,200 km) of this enigmatic
satellite. It returned for a second flyby on December 13,
this time approaching within about 1,500 miles (2,400 km).
Outfitted with cameras, infrared sensors, and radar,
set about penetrating Titan’s smoggy atmosphere to investigate
the lunar surface. Data beamed back to earth have delighted
scientists—but have raised many questions as well.
is surrounded by layers of haze hundreds of miles
above its surface.
Titan’s intriguing surface
Although Titan has undoubtedly been bombarded by comets and asteroids
during its history,
did not find a cratered surface
such as exists on our own moon. In fact, in the area surveyed by
radar, approximately 1 percent of the surface, there were only slight
variations in elevation. A strong possibility is that the surface
of the moon is being fashioned by geologic processes that make it
What the
radar did see is that there’s considerable
variation in the terrain. Basically, bright areas are interpreted
as rough terrain and dark areas as smooth. But what makes up the
smooth areas? Ice is likely, but liquid would have a smooth appearance
as well. Whether or not lakes exist is still a major question. With
a surface temperature of -290° Fahrenheit (-180° C), though,
we know that any liquid bodies can't consist of pure water. Methane
and ethane, or a combination of the two, would be possible, however.
Other data gathered by
indicate the chemical composition
of surface materials. Interpretation of these data seem to confirm
the supposition that Titan is covered with hydrocarbons—organic
compounds that may be similar to those that existed on earth before
life evolved. By studying Titan, scientists may gain insight into
how basic hydrocarbons develop into complex molecules that can lead
to life.
Titan has weather
During the October flyby,
observed a field of clouds,
thought to consist of methane, near the moon’s south pole.
Other than that, the Titan skies were curiously clear. Images taken
during the December 13 flyby, however, show patches of clouds nearer
to the moon’s equator, which is the first direct evidence
that Titan has changing weather patterns. This new information will
help scientists understand wind speeds and atmospheric circulation.
An upcoming exploration of Titan’s atmosphere
Data gathered in these two recent flybys will also aid the scientists
responsible for the
probe that will descend through
Titan’s atmosphere in January 2005.
, which
hitched a ride aboard
, has been dormant for the
seven years long years of its journey. But it’s about to awake.
separated from the
orbiter in
late December and began coasting towards Titan. On January 14 it
will parachute through Titan’s atmosphere for more than two
hours, collecting images, temperature readings, wind measurements,
and pressure profiles.
It will also analyze the chemical composition of the gases it
passes through and any particulate matter the gases contain. This
is of particular interest because the December 15 flyby revealed
that the high haze, rather than being homogenous, is made up of
many discrete layers.
In addition,
will be listening to sounds in Titan’s
atmosphere. Should the probe pass through a storm, it might record
audible emissions that indicate the presence of lightning, or the
sounds of rain striking its surface.
reaches Titan’s surface, it could crash
into ice, sink into a hydrocarbon snow, or possibly splash down
into a methane lake. It’s unlikely that the probe will survive
the landing, but scientists hope that
will be able
to transmit for a few minutes from the surface of this distant world.
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October 2004: New
Saturnian Moons Discovered
taken by the
spacecraft in the summer of 2004
may show the presence of as many as four previously undetected
moons. If confirmed, this will bring the number of Saturn’s
known lunar attendants to thirty-five.
The first two sighted, which are known for now as S/2004 S1 and
S/2004 S2, are only 2 miles (3 km) and 2.5 miles (4 km) in diameter,
so it’s not surprising that they would have previously escaped
notice. They were found between the orbits of two medium-sized inner
moons, Mimas and Enceladus, in imaging sequences designed to look
for moons in this inner region. S/2004 S1 was observed for about
six hours, and S/2004 S2 was observed for more than nine hours.
think that other small moons will be found in gaps between
the rings, and they plan, in particular, for
to go moon hunting in the area between the A Ring and the
F Ring. Already, they’ve seen what may be two moons,
about 2.5 or 3 miles (4–5 km) each in diameter, orbiting
on either side of the F Ring. Scientists aren’t sure
if they’ve spotted moons or temporary clumps. It could
happen, for example, that a number of rocks orbiting near
the F Ring temporarily traveled together—the way cars
briefly form clusters on a highway—giving the appearance
of a solid object. Nor can scientists say for certain if there
are really two distinct objects or one object that crosses
the ring. Nonetheless, the objects sighted are being treated
as two potential moons, and they’ve provisionally been
named S/2004 S3 and S/2004 S4.
discovery of the moon
S/2004 S2 was announced by NASA on August 16, 2004.
Image courtesy of NASA.
arrived on the scene, no Saturnian moon
smaller than about 12 miles (20 km) in diameter had been discovered.
improved imaging technology and its initial
discoveries show that we have an exciting new capability for learning
about tiny planetary satellites. If
finds many
new moons, it will test the theories scientists currently have
about these small bodies and will expand our understanding of
how small moons form and evolve.
will be in orbit around Saturn for four years.
It’s a good bet that the number of known Saturnian moons
will have increased considerably by the end of that time, along
with our knowledge about them.
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July 2004: Cassini
Enters Saturn's Orbit
The first spacecraft ever to enter Saturn's orbit,
sent back this image of a portion of the planet's rings. It was
taken by the spacecraft's narrow angle camera and shows the dark,
or unlit, side of the rings.
Science Education Forum
View the latest raw data sent back from Cassini
See a computer rendering of Cassini's current position in the
rings of Saturn