Cylinders and Scale

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What It Is (continued)

Making Cylinders

Step One

Start with lightweight writing paper. Cut out a rectangle slightly larger than that needed to make a match to the film canister cylinder. Roll this paper into a loose tube and put it inside the film canister. Let it expand so that it rests snugly against the inside of the canister, making sure that the bottom of the paper rests on the bottom of the canister. Now, mark a line along the top of the canister and mark another line where the edge of the paper overlaps itself. These marks define the edges of the unit rectangle. Cut out this rectangle.

Step Two

After measuring the surface areas (see below), tape the longer sides of the rectangle together to form the cylinder. Tape so the edges just meet and do not overlap.

Cylinder Units of Measurement

The short length of the unit rectangle is the height of the cylinder, h . The longer length of the rectangle is the circumference of the cylinder, c . The area of the rectangle is then the area of the side of the cylinder. The volume of the cylinder is the amount of sand that it will hold.

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