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Fluttering Bridge
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  Fluttering Bridge 1
400 X 600 JPEG | 13k
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    Fluttering Bridge 2
450 X 450 JPEG | 19k
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    Fluttering Bridge 3
600 X 400 JPEG | 36k
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    Fluttering Bridge 4
400 X 600 JPEG | 22k
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    Fluttering Bridge Video   PDF Format | Help?
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Fluttering Bridge is an interactive bridge failure demonstration, originally modeled after the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse in Tacoma Washington. Air is constantly blown perpendicular to the rubber "bridge". The user can experiment by changing the fan speed and pinching the rubber in different locations to create different wave patterns. When the leading edge of the band is pinched, to simulate an asymmetrical structure, it causes the wind to unevenly flow past the band, causing it to resonate. The resonance builds on each wave, increasing the fluttering amplitude. Fan and Rubber Band is a fantastic teaching tool for resonance and elastic vs. dampened structures, especially relating to bridge design.

40"w x 40"h x 25"d
1.0 amps @ 120 volts
120 lbs.

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Center for Museum Partnerships