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Professional Development

Professional development puts an emphasis on the professional practitioner andtakes the form of Institutes and Workshops. TexNET Institutes will accomplish all three definitions.
Divided into five separate sessions these two-day Institutes will cover Learning, Marketing, Program Design, Profile Building and Partnering with Community Based Organizations.
TexNET Workshops begin with Exhibit Based Teaching in Fort Worth and move to a Capacity Building format with the topic to be determined by the hosting museum. Possible topics include Serving Your Community of Teachers, Setting up a Web Cast Studio, and Exhibit Development.



Made possible by a grant from
the National Science Foundation

Exhibit Materials

Institute Number 1
  Institute Number 2
  Institute Number 3
  Institute Number 4
  Institute Number 5

  Fort Worth date
  Laredo date
  Lubbock date
  Tyler date
  Exploratorium date

  Lucinda Presley of Tyler
visits the Explo
  Tour de Texas

  Project Management pages

  Partner Days pages


Exhibits | Professional Development | Network | Resources | Contacts
© 2005 The Exploratorium | Center for Museum Partnerships