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TexNET > Exhibits > Motion > Particle Accelerator
Particle Accelerator
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  Particle Accelerator 1
400 X 600 JPEG | 13k
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    Particle Accelerator l 2
450 X 450 JPEG | 19k
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    Particle Accelerator 3
600 X 400 JPEG | 36k
(Image appears in a pop-up window)
    Particle Accelerator 4
400 X 600 JPEG | 22k
(Image appears in a pop-up window)
    Particle Accelerator Video   PDF Format | Help?
(Movie appears in a pop-up window)  
Shaking a large globe causes a large ball bearing to race around the inside of the globe, much like an inside out hula-hoop.
      28"w x 80"h x 40"d
120 lbs
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© 2005 The Exploratorium
Center for Museum Partnerships