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The Exploratorium is a museum of science, art, and human perception. It receives 525,000 visitors annually, including 120,000 students and teachers on field trips. Its award-winning Web site receives 17 million unique visits a year and offers over 12,000 pages of online activities, exhibits, and educational resources

The Exploratorium has been working with the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History since the formation of ExNET (the Exploratorium Network for Exhibit-based Teaching) in 1998. Partners in ExNET share ideas and innovations, promoting a culture of learning that crisscrosses the United States and the world. ExNET is a hybrid exhibit and teaching program that annually rotates sets of 30-40 Exploratorium exhibits and professional development to nine mid-sized museums and science centers in the US and Mexico. ExNET helps partner institutions become leaders in their
regional science education landscape.

This was the seed for this extension of the model into a regional partnership of TexNET, with Fort Worth becoming a "hub" for a network of museums throughout the state. Because it is based upon the ExNET model, it will draw upon the knowledge, experience, exhibits, and programs of the partnership. TexNET builds on the experience of the Exploratorium in ExNET as the Exploratorium has administered the international partnership.

To TexNET, the Exploratorium provides (1) sets of interactive science exhibits and educational resources, (2) workshop development and facilitation, and (3) access to the members and benefits of the existing ExNET partnership. Exploratorium staff working on TexNET include Joe Hastings, Jamie Bell, Shawn Lani, Ken Finn, Vivian Altmann, Pablo Dela Cruz, Marco Jordan, Kua Patten, Dave Fleming, Dave Barker, Michelle Hlubinka.


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