This activity can be a little
difficult, because you are dealing with living cells.
But the results are well worth the effort.
What You'll Need
· Physarum polycephalum:
available from Carolina Biological Supply* as an extensive kit (including
plasmodium, sterilized oatmeal, and extra dishes of agar)
· A single plate culture
of Physarum polycephalum*
· At least one petri
dish with agar* (a growth nutrient)
· Oatmeal flakes
Step 1:
Cut a tiny cube from healthy culture and place it upside-down on a fresh
petri dish of agar. Place two or three pieces of oatmeal about an inch
away from the spreading plasmodium.
Step 2:
Each day add another two or three oatmeal flakes about an inch away from
the spreading plasmodium and watch it grow toward and engulf them. After
just a few days, the most amazing things will start to grow!
Step 3:
Place the oatmeal in intricate patterns, spreading agar on large kitchen
platters or plates of glass for bigger designs.
Be sure to take appropriate
precautions when culturing live cells. Be careful of contamination from
other molds.
* available through:
Carolina Biological Supply
fax: 1-800-222-7112
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