Come Rain, Come Shine

Activity FOUR

You can use the Internet to look "live"at hundreds of different places in the world-- by linking to "web cams". A web cam is a video camera that someone has set up to show live pictures of a specific place. Then the camera is connected to the Internet so that anyone else anywhere using the Internet can "go" to that camera and see what it's looking at!


There are many websites that can connect you to many different web cams. One of the best for this Web Lesson is called "CamsEyeView". When you go to that website, you'll see that you can choose which continent to "visit" and then choose the country you want, and then choose from several (sometimes many) locations in that country. Try it out now-- go to . (Use your "back" button to return here when finished.)


CamsEyeView actually is a website that takes to many other web cam websites all over the world. You can find these and other web cam sites on your own as well by doing a web search. You can get very specific in your search-- such as looking for "National Park web cams". Click on here to try out this type of search at . (And then come back here again, using that "Back" button!)


Now you know how to find the weather forecast, the actual time, and a live web cam for most places on Earth. It's time to put all these skills together. Go to ACTIVITY FIVE