Rocks, Sand, and Soil
Josette Penrose
Junipero Serra
San Francisco Unified School District
Let's take a careful look at
the rocks, sand, and soil we
can see on our land...
Let's use all our senses to
help us learn all we can
about them.
First Grade Science....Creative publications
Website Resources......SFUSD Science StandardsActivities for students:
Giant sieve sorter ....sizeCreating sanddunes ...lesson plan
Metamorphic rock pancakes ...lesson plan
Testing for hardness of a mineral ...student friendly
Ask the professor ...geology questions
Exhibits for students at the exploratorium:
Rift Zone. ...cracks caused by intense geothermal activityAeolian landscape ...dunes change when streams of air blow across
Convection current ...turbulence relating to volcano
Sites for student viewing
Smithsonian Mineral and Gem Collection
San Francisco Unified School District Science Standards describes the current district vision of what every student needs to know, understand and be able to do to be scientifically literate. Using instructional materials from Rocks, Sand, and Soil designed for First Grade, the following standards can be presented:
1# Properties of Matter :
Students understand that matter has properties that can be observed, described, measured and recorded. Students should begin to consider how the materials which compose an object are different from the properties of the object. Click here
Students will observe and classify by texture, weight, color, and hardness, rocks, sand and soil. Students will carefully examine soil to identify its components and compare soil from different locations.Students will make sand from rocks, experiment with sand painting and make their own sandpaper.
4#Magnetism and Electricity
Students understand that magnets attract and repel each other, and that magnets can be used to separate materials.
Students will explore various samples of sand in different containers using a magnet. They will record which containers of sand hold more magnetic materials than the others and explain why.
6#Properties of matter
Students will observe and classify by texture, weight, color, and hardness, rocks, sand and soil. Students will carefully examine soil to identify its components and compare soil from different locations. Students will make sand from rocks, experiment with sand painting and make their own sandpaper.
Students understand that living
things are made of smaller structures. These smaller structures allow
for living things to be adaptable, diverse, interdependent and
undergo change over time.
12# Diversity Students will observe and classify by texture, weight, color, and hardness, rocks, sand and soil. Students will carefully examine soil to identify its components and compare soil from different locations. Students will make sand from rocks, experiment with sand painting and make their own sandpaper.16#Energy Flow Students will observe and classify by texture, weight, color, and hardness, rocks, sand and soil. Students will carefully examine soil to identify its components and compare soil from different locations. Students will make sand from rocks, experiment with sand painting and make their own sandpaper.
Earth ScienceStudents understand that changes on the earth's surface are caused by the interaction of wind, sun, and water. Click Here
17#Geology Students will use various earth materials such as dirt or sand, and construct three landform models (mountains, plains, river). They will predict and record what happens when the various models are exposed to simulated weather conditions such as wind, sun and water.
VolcanoWorld - source of volcano information
Earthquakes -good graphics and lesson insights
Rocks,Sand, and Soil -more sites to see.
Physical characteristics of minerals
More general websites:
Do science .- new science trick each month.....Varied science topics
Link- Many cool sites...Participants contribute ...
Exploratorium -see science activities
Inquiry -see inquiry activities
Web Science Workshop -hands on classroom ideas