exploratorium eclipse dispatches
June 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
click for live webcast June 21 2001  
Zambia! What do you think of when you hear that name? It's a Southern African country the size of California with only three major roads and a population smaller than New York City. A country often ignored by tourists, Zambia is home to a vibrant local culture and some of the most spectacular wildlife on earth. But what are your images of Africa--do you ever wonder what it's really like there?
The staff of Sausage Tree Camp view the sun with eclipse-viewing glasses.
W ell, we're going to go, and we'll do our best to take you along with us, via the Web. Join our Exploratorium production team as we travel to Zambia to broadcast the June 21st total solar eclipse live to the world. We're transporting over 3 tons of video and satellite gear more than 10,000 miles, from San Francisco to one of the most remote parts of Zambia, the Lower Zambezi National Park. Along the way, we'll explore the people, the wildlife, the culture, and the history of this amazing country, and we'll share our adventures with you.
Exploring the difference between partial and total eclipses.--Location: Sausage Tree Camp
Starting June 12, we'll post new stories, pictures, and video of our travels in Africa, and of our struggles as we set up for this unprecendented live event.

Eclipse 2001

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