Report from Galapagos Exploratorium
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Photo Tour  

Photographer Ira Nowinski took these photographs in April 2002 and June 2003. They represent an ongoing exploration of the Galapagos archipelago, its natural history, and the impact of humans on the islands. In addition to capturing the natural beauty of the Galapagos Islands' stark landscapes and its unusual fauna, including gigantic tortoises and marine iguanas, Nowinski also documents the threats to its historic heritage and biological diversity. Large areas of Santiago Island have been striped of vegetation because of feral goat populations, and the islands of Isabella, Santa Cruz, and San Christubal have fast-growing towns, and large areas of farmland. There is immigration from mainland Ecuador, and effects of the globalization are straining natural resources. His plans are to make another three trips over the next three years, and to post additional pages to his Web site( ).