Report from Galapagos Exploratorium
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Session Schedule and Topics  

13 September
14 September
15 September
16 September

13 September
  • Social relevance of climate research
  • Responsibilities for creating and communicating El Niño knowledge
  • Is sustainable development a scientific topic?
  • Hype vs. hope in early warning systems

#1 Why are we here?/El Niño knowledge
(45 min.)
• Definitions of El Niño knowledge
• Eileen Shea on linking application to science

#2 Sustainability science (13 min.)
• Dale Jamieson on sustainability
• Questions and answers

#3 ENSO forecasts and science Q & A (17 min.)
(Q & A session after Tony’s talk)

#4 ENSO “hotspots” (1 hr., 8 min.)
• Definitions of hotspots
• Hotspots discussion

#5 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Constraints (SWOC) (40 min.)
• Definition of SWOC
• Breakout group task

14 September
  • What are the hazards of El Niño?
  • Concerns and impacts on health, agriculture, and fisheries
  • World Conference on Disaster Reduction
  • Public Roundtable: El Niño impacts on flora and fauna in the Galapagos

#6 El Niño impacts: hazards
(1 hr., 8 min.)
• Definition
• Discussion

#7 El Niño impacts: health (40 min.)
• Carlos Corvalan on health impacts
• Discussion

#8 El Niño is Back... or not? Regional forecast accuracy (35 min.)
• Information about CIIFEN
• Discussion

#9 World Conference on Disaster Reduction 2005 (24 min.)
• Pedro Basabe on ISDREvening

#10 Galapagos Public Roundtable: El Niño impacts on flora and fauna
In Spanish and English (1 hr., 45 min.)


15 September
  • Identifying problems vs. learning lessons
  • Role of media in early warnings
  • Who is vulnerable and who is resilient to El Niño impacts
  • Climate change and the Pacific Rim

#11 Mickey's introduction/recap of meeting so far
(11 min.)
• Recap of Public Roundtable

#12 El Niño impacts: fisheries (1 hr., 8 min.)
• Putting climate back into the picture
• Models and fisheries
• Winners and losers
• Lively discussion

#13 Lessons to be learned (50 min.)
• Lessons learned
• Implementation of lessons discussion

#14 Media and early warning (27 min.)
• Role of the media

#15 Vulnerability and resilience (24 min.)
• Definitions of vulnerability and resilience
• Language and translation issues
• Sustainable development discussion

#16 Hurricane Mitch/linking disaster reduction & development policy (1 hr.)
• Hurricanes Mitch and Fifi

#17 Climate change and the Pacific Rim (46 min.)

16 September
  • Establishing links across the Pacific: Is it worth the effort?
  • Next steps for sustainablilty research and early warnings in Pacific Rim countries

#18 Right Sizing El Niño Early Warnings
(1 hr., 20 min.)
• Different ways to look at right sizing
• Forecast products
• Issue of downscaling
• Differing forecasts
• Cascade of early warnings
• Need for education and communication
• Structure of ERFEN
• Bridging the digital divide

#19 Linking across the Pacific/SWOC discussion
• Definition of SWOC
• Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Constraints
• The Grand Challenge Problem
• Community, climate, conservation, communication

#20 What’s next? NSF Grand Challenge