Press Release

New Langton Arts presents
A Public Reading Room and Mural Exhibition on the
Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
May 24 through July 1, 1995

San Francisco -- From May 24 through July 1, 1995, New Langton Arts presents THE LIBRARY, a mural exhibition in a library environment to mark the 50th anniversary of the American release of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. THE LIBRARY is composed of three large scale original murals on the gallery walls by Ray Patlan and Eduardo Pineda; Barry McGee; and Susan Greene and Ruby Rose V. Neri. The wall text and on-line research system is designed by Ari Salomon. The exhibition will also feature an archive on the bomb and related topics; film screenings; teach-ins; and an informal cafe; situated in an environment evocative of a forties' era public research center. THE LIBRARY's opening reception is Thursday, May 25, 6 - 8 PM, with a free gallery tour beginning at 6 PM. New Langton Arts is located at 1246 Folsom Street, San Francisco. The gallery is open Wednesday through Saturday, 12 - 5 PM; and Tuesday by appointment. Admission is free. For more information please call (415) 626-5416.

Coinciding with the June opening of the Enola Gay exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., THE LIBRARY is also a site of education on the many viewpoints and opinions about this controversial exhibition. Responding to a national call by the Historian's Committee for Open Debate on Hiroshima, Washington, D.C., New Langton will work closely with local universities and others to host teach-ins and public debates on site. School groups, community organizations and individuals who would like to host or participate in a teach-in should contact New Langton for an appointment.

Conflating the educational opportunities of a library and gallery space, THE LIBRARY seeks to create a nexus for public interaction, activism, and communication on what is one of the pivotal historical events of this century -- the release of atomic bombs on the civilian population of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. New Langton will work to bring together historians, activists, veterans, Japanese Americans, artists, artist organizations, journalists, teachers, politicians, librarians, and other concerned individuals in this free public space for contemplation on this deeply complex historical event.

Susan Greene creates murals that "occupy the space where psychology, social concerns and creative expression intersect." Her works can be seen at many local and international sites including Balmy Alley; 21st and Mission; Leon, Nicaragua; the West Bank; and East Jerusalem. She has an MA from San Francisco State University, and is pursuing a doctorate in Clinical Pysychology at the Wright Institute. Ruby Neri received a B.F.A. from the San Francisco Art Institute in 1994. She has created murals for the 509 Cultural Center, the Center for the Arts, the Clarion Alley Mural Project, and Southern Exposure Gallery. Barry McGee is a graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute. He has exhibited in the streets and numerous galleries in San Francisco including Southern Exposure, ATA, the Diego Rivera Gallery, the Center for the Arts, as well as museums abroad. Muralists Raymond Patlán and Eduardo Pineda have formed a private partnership called Fresco. As Fresco, they provide consultation, slide shows, and most importantly, the paintings of murals. Commissions they've completed include murals for Coca Cola, the DeYoung Museum, the Center for the Arts and the Mission Family Center. Ari Salomon has a sustained interest in the construction of language and the fleeting nature of its public consumption. His work has been exhibited at the Mary Porter Senson Gallery, UCSC; the Victoria Room; and New Langton Arts. Francisco Jiménez is the Outreach and Research Coordinator for THE LIBRARY and previously served as a resident assistant researching, planning, and implementing educational programs at Santa Clara University. He is an artist and history enthusiast presently working on his MFA at San Francisco State University.

Films: San Francisco Cinematheque will present Black Rain and Hiroshima - Nagaski , August 1945 at New Langton on Friday, June 9 and Saturday, June 10 at 7:30 PM. Black Rain is a masterful interweaving of dramatized scenes and documentary footage. Hiroshima - Nagasaki, August 1945 is a 16 mm film photographed by Akira Iwasaki in the post-atomic cities. Admission is $6 general, $4 Langton members, and $2 for students, the disabled, and seniors.

Lecture & Roundtable Discussion: Historians Barton Bernstein, of Stanford University, Greg Pascal Zachary and others will discuss the atomic bomb, it's legacy, and impact on contemporary society. The lecture and roundtable discussion will be held on Wednesday, June 28 at 7 PM. Tickets are a suggested donation of $4.

THE LIBRARY is funded by New Langton's board of directors and membership.

Opening Reception: The Library Date: Thursday, May 25 Time: 6-8 PM Artists Walkthrough: 6 PM Admission: Free

Film Screening: Black Rain & Hiroshima Dates: Friday June, 9 & Saturday, June 10 Time: 7:30 PM Admission: $6 general, $4 members, $2 for students, disabled, and seniors

Lecture & Roundtable Discussion: B. Bernstein, G. Zachary, and others Date: Wednesday, June 28 Time: 7 PM Admission: $4 suggested donation

New Langton Arts was founded in 1975 by a coalition of artists and arts professionals who sought to provide San Francisco with a center for experimental art. Now approaching its twentieth year as an internationally recognized arts organization, Langton's programs feature visual arts exhibitions, performance, literary events, experimental music, media arts and inter-disciplinary projects.

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