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Institute 1
Approaches to Inquiry Learning

Exploratorium July 27, 28 & 29 2005


Approaches to Inquiry Learning will provide powerful and transformative experiences by immersing participants in the process of inquiry. primary goal is to develop in participants--through hands-on investigations as well as reflection and group discussion--an understanding of inquiry that can be taken back to the home institution.

Held at the Exploratorium, for two days partners will explore scientific topics while staff model and teach an inquiry approach to learning that can be transferred to any topic or setting. We will also explore natural phenomena through scientific investigation, careful observation, asking questions and sharing discoveries.

Exhibit Materials
Exhibit Materials

    Hotel Logistics
    Map of Hotel & Immediate Area
    Hotel Website
    Inquiry - thoughts, views & strategies for the K-5 classroom
  Meeting Notes
  Film Program Notes

  Institute 2
  Institute 3
  Institute 4
  Institute 5


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© 2005 The Exploratorium | Center for Museum Partnerships