Hola soy yo Susan Boshoven , a bilingual science teacher with San Francisco Unified School District, and participant in the Exploratorium TI , web science workshop .

On these pages I am presenting a multicultural curriculum unit I have written on the theme of time-keeping.The unit is divided into two subunits: Calendars and Rhythms . In the first subunit titled, Calendar for a Planet , time is explored as something that is marked by astronomical events. The Aztec Sun Stone project is an extension idea which investigates time and the evolutionary process.

Rhythm and Sound written in collaboration with Carlos Araiza , a Latin percussionist and composer, explores rhythm as division of time by sound. The Sound portion of the unit is a series of investigations that can be done with tin drums .

If you would like to go to any of the underlined topics above, click on the topic of your choice. If you would like to see my Life in Motion project click on the title.