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Move Here by Ricardo Rivera utilizes the open resources of the web to build a database of historic and contemporary promotional films originally designed as strategies for luring people to the west coast and
San Francisco - an eclectic array of clips promoting the people, weather, and landscapes, as well as the promise of work, wealth, status, and nature one might encounter in the Bay Area. Combined with real
estate imagery downloaded from craigslist, Move Here is designed
as a data-bank of desire and opportunity. Each film is projected anamorphically on a cylinder requiring viewers to shift their position/status in order to be enticed by its message.

Move Here creates a liquid landscape where viewers effect a 3D projection, as well as a physical version in which a person must
adapt their physical position to read the film. This positioning
alludes to the perception of (social) space by requiring viewers to "change position" in order to match their desires with others.


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