Traits of Life Intro about Exhibits Store Links
The Stuff of Life Life Needs Energy Making More Change Over Time

Genes affect many traits in an organism, including appearance. Changes in genes can create changes in an organism's appearance. To learn more about how genes effect change, click on one of the choices below.

Online Exhibit

Goldfish Evolution Unnatural Selection:
Learn how changes in genes over generations created the modern goldfish. You will need the free Flash Plugin .

Fruit Fly Mutant Fruit Flies: Compare the different flies in this online exhibit to discover how genes control appearance.


Frog The Amazing Adaptable Frog: Frogs thrive in environments as diverse as deserts and jungles. Find out why.

Learn about our Frogs exhibition.


: The Stuff of Life , Life Needs Energy , Making More Life , Change Over Time

© Exploratorium | The museum of science, art and human perception| Traits of Life