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" What do I do with whey vanilla powder? "

Hi there.

I have some whey vanilla powder, can you tell me how to use it? I look forward to the answer.

— Rochelle, Reno, Nevada


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Dear Rochelle,

Whey vanilla powder doesn't appear to have a lot to do with cooking. Our searching suggests that it is a protein-based food supplement both promoted by health food concerns, and also used as a dietary supplement in parts of the world where proteins are scarce.

The whey in this supplement is the watery part of milk that has been separated from the curds and then dried. The powder is designed to dissolve in other liquids to boost their nutritional content. Vanilla is part of this supplement simply as an added flavoring that makes the drink more palatable.

However, with respect to cooking, a "vanilla powder" is also on the market. In contrast to whey vanilla powder, it's designed for those who seek a rich vanilla flavoring in dry form and without the alcohol found in vanilla extract.

In vanilla powder, the flavoring compounds of the vanilla bean are extracted and mixed with a dry base. They're especially useful in a dough or batter that is to be refrigerated as well as in dry mixes for cakes, cookies beverages etc. as its flavor doesn't evaporates as readily as vanilla extract which makes it useful in baking. To substitute for liquid vanilla extract, use an equal amount of vanilla powder.

You will sometimes see vanilla powder referred to as Madagascar Bourbon Vanilla. For those seeking an alcohol-free flavoring, the reference to Bourbon has nothing to do with liquor. Madagascar is an island off the coast of Africa, and is a major producer of vanilla beans. Thus, the term reflects that the beans were grown on the Bourbon Islands of Madagascar, Comoro, Seychelle, and Reunion.

Isn't food fascinating?
Anne and Sue


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