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Technology in Iceland
stories about Iceland magnetism geysers volcanoes of Iceland Map of Iceland's geology links

Mapping Iceland's unique features

With over two dozen volcanoes erupting regularly, Iceland is the most geologically active place on the planet. It's also home to the original "geysir," and is the meeting place of two of the Earth's major geological plates. This map and the text below will give you a brief look at Iceland's fascinating geology. You can also read more about Icelandic volcanoes , or learn how to make your own geyser at home.
Iceland sculpture

Wireless communication trend setters

Iceland - the forgotten land where everyone is wired up

Iceland's online Nirvana
from ZDNet

Iceland's Genetic Database

For Sale: Iceland's Genetic History

from Action BioScience

Iceland's Genetic Jackpot
from Wired News

DeCODE Genetics
the company launching the genetic database

the official opposition group to the database proposition

Mapping the Icelandic Genome
an international forum and fact-providing site hosted by UC Berkeley and the universities of Iceland.

Hydrogen Production

Hydrogen: fire and ice
from Nature

Can Iceland run on hydrogen?
from Red Herring

Running On Thin Air
from Time

Iceland sees the future Ñ in hydrogen
from The Environmental News Network

(also see the volcanoes feature in this Science Wire)

An overview of Iceland's volcanoes
from Volcano World, a clickable map that leads to pages with info and pictures

Nordic Volcanological Institute

center for volcanology in Iceland, hosting an international team of scientists

A Virtual Geological Field Trip to Iceland
By Patrick M. Colgan and Magdalena Pavlak, Northeastern University Geology Department

Name Game

Icelandic Names
from Viturally Virtual Iceland, complete with a geneology form you can fill out with your family names.


copyright Exploratorium 2001