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Eclipse Links: Past and Future Eclipses


Archives: February 26, 1998 - RealVideo and still images from the total eclipse in the Caribbean.

Share Your Stories: Archive - Personal accounts from past eclipses.

Caribbean Eclipse '98 - This site covers "everything you need to know" about the February 26, 1998 eclipse.

Eyewitness Accounts of Six Total Eclipses - Accounts and reminisences of recent eclipses. An insight into the life of an eclipse watcher.

SDAC Eclipse information - Information from NASA's Solar Data Analysis Center, including photo galleries and accounts.

SKY Online's Eclipse Page - Advice about and accounts of eclipse viewing from an astronomy magazine.

Total Solar Eclipse - More travel and viewing advice, including photo gallery archive from the 1998 eclipse and others.

The Caribbean's Shortest Night - The solar eclipse of February 26, 1998--an eyewitness report and picture story from Curacao, the Netherlands Antilles.

Astronomico Tradatese - Italian language site and Caribbean'98 eclipse photography/imaging archive.

From the new President of the BAA - The President of the British Astronomical Assocation recounts his eclipse experiences.

Eclipses still raise new scientific questions - Scientists could solve the greatest riddles of solar physics during next year's eclipse.Miranda Eadie reports.

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